The Project Description

This here is my personal blog, that outlines all aspects of my progression throughout the Ani303 project. We are required to write, plan and produce a short movie for the deadline of June 13th 2008. The entire year group has been separated into groups by choosing their favored film, and have dedicated their final year to this project. I personally chose the story written by Johnathan Pryce with the working title 'Aztec Escape'
Follow this blog to find out where, when and what has been going and hopefully get an insight into the way i work with in a group.

Friday, 30 May 2008

Finalising the lighting for the Jungle shots

Tonight Jono, Dan and myself sat down and did some of the lighting for the first jungle shot, which although took an hour or two to complete, was well worth it and the results were great. Jono had previously come up with the idea of light rays coming down through the scene and having spots of intense light hitting the floor and leafs etc around our character sitting down. The holes in the canopy were lined with plants to give the light patches a realistic feel rather then a random round patch.

The best thing about last night however was the realization that rendering was less then 24 hours away and we are planning on spending tomorrow tidying the set and preparing it for the render.

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