The Project Description

This here is my personal blog, that outlines all aspects of my progression throughout the Ani303 project. We are required to write, plan and produce a short movie for the deadline of June 13th 2008. The entire year group has been separated into groups by choosing their favored film, and have dedicated their final year to this project. I personally chose the story written by Johnathan Pryce with the working title 'Aztec Escape'
Follow this blog to find out where, when and what has been going and hopefully get an insight into the way i work with in a group.

Monday, 11 February 2008

Story Reworked...

This week was pretty crazy, and in some ways very unproductive; much to my disgust. Me and jono spent some time with Gareth Munden on the animatic, and from his advice started to rethink about shot composition and the way we would incorporated that into the general flow of the story. For example, how the camera could tell the story rather then the character alone.

So after a long session with Gareth and some deliberation amongst ourselves me and jono spent some considerable time thinking about what was essentila to not only the story, but what we personally wanted to take away from the film. Our desire for a good visual piece drove us change the "gag reel" style piece we had originally intended to produce.
We ended up dismissing alot of small gags and trimming the fat in some places we didnt really want to but ended up with a slightly bland but working story line.

The main change in the story was the "transition" stage and the way we aimed to show a clear and understandable change in environment and character wardrobe in one shot without loosing the audience along the way. This was proving to be hard to produce, but with Gareth Mundens help, jono and myself came up with a shot that was closest to what we wanted but still had room for some creative cameras (shots of the transition idea are shown above).

The new story we realised need to be supported with some "revised" environments that meant that the character and camera could be animated effectively and smoothly. So we spent some time editing the map layouts, specifically the interior of the temple etc. The Jungle also changed due to the introduction of the film which meant that the layout had to be altered.

All in all, the story didnt sway much from the orignial line, however with the a few parts taken out the story flowed nicely, albeit not particularly funny or comic, but nevertheless interesting to watch. The filmic language we realise will however end up playing a massive part in the overall style of the film; our main influence for style being the Indiana Jones Films.

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