The Project Description

This here is my personal blog, that outlines all aspects of my progression throughout the Ani303 project. We are required to write, plan and produce a short movie for the deadline of June 13th 2008. The entire year group has been separated into groups by choosing their favored film, and have dedicated their final year to this project. I personally chose the story written by Johnathan Pryce with the working title 'Aztec Escape'
Follow this blog to find out where, when and what has been going and hopefully get an insight into the way i work with in a group.

Saturday 31 May 2008

Wrap Problems

Today has been really stressful. I spent a lot of the day with Giles trying to organise some of the jungle files that needed to be rendered. However it started to become apparent that the files containing the Explorer character would not open on any pc other than Giles’! The problem seemed occurred when the calculation of the rig was taking place and the whole file would crash. After a little bit of discussion and some realisation of time available and the work load still to achieve, it was somewhat an impossibility to go back to the drawing board and ask Dan to animate them again once the rig was rectified. Therefore we decided to open all the files that had been animated under a wrap and delete the wrap. The only problem that derived from this idea was that the character had not be UV-ed; a consequence it seemed of the dissertation, where Jono lost a lot of time. The only solution to this problem was the character had to be coloured by selecting faces and applying lamberts to them. Albeit a little primitive method, it worked better then we thought.

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YASPOWER said...
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