The Project Description

This here is my personal blog, that outlines all aspects of my progression throughout the Ani303 project. We are required to write, plan and produce a short movie for the deadline of June 13th 2008. The entire year group has been separated into groups by choosing their favored film, and have dedicated their final year to this project. I personally chose the story written by Johnathan Pryce with the working title 'Aztec Escape'
Follow this blog to find out where, when and what has been going and hopefully get an insight into the way i work with in a group.

Thursday 22 November 2007

Week Ending 18th November

This week Jono Delegated in order to improve productivity and told me to centre my interest on the Temple interior concept. We both spent time talking about the layout and many scribbles were made that show layouts and the logic of our set. Then we seperated and started to design the assets and the rooms that would populate our jungle sets. Then with an attempt to birng a bit more life to the drawings i digitally painted them. the logic here was to also suggest colour schemes for the interior and lay out some guide lines for next weeks finalisation of the style.

Interior Temple Concept

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Week Ending 11th November

This week was spent mainly finnishing the thumbnails. Ive been reading a book suggested by Mike Hirsh called "Shot by Shot" A very interesting read, and the storyboarding section has played a massive part in this section of my contribution to the project.
The final draft of the story, shown here on the blog was editted by Jono, Giles and myself. Although the pressure of the presentation for other projects ahead, and the lengthy process of visuallising the edit, i managed to finish the thumbnails and submit them to Ben Griffin by Thursday. There after i started to work on concept designs for the house, starting with the Fridge.

Friday 9 November 2007

Thursday 8 November 2007

Second Story Thumbnails

Second Story

Week Ending 4th Nov

This week has been a disaster!!! we started off the week with a positive mind that our story was fine, and developed. however, we took it to Dan Dalli for our first lot of advice and we realised that alot of it didnt make sense, and most importantly it didnt have a strong ending.

so although i started the week off by starting the thumbnails reading for the first draft of our story board, i had to stop and revise the story.

Again, jono, giles and myself were left with that and worked throughout the night on tuesday to develope a story that had a strong ending. the work paid off alot and the next day we rushed in for advice on the new story, and the feed back was very positive. it was for this reason that we decided to go with the new screne play.

First Story Thumbnails

Week Ending 28th

This week has been very story orientated. Jono, Giles and myself have been working on the development of the story line, and ironing out any kinks!! so other then, re-write after re-write, i've spent the extra time on developing the assets for the inside of the temple. I did some designs for the altar and also some trap ideas also.

The work so far, i have to say is progressing slower then i would have liked, but we're all happy with the idea, and its starting to come to a conclusive point.

Sunday 21 October 2007

Week Ending 21

This week has been very story intensive, and we have been working hard and long hours to get the story how we like it, and so it works. After having come to that conclusion, we realized that some environment issues needed to be resolved, so we spent the last two days on mapping out the layout and location of assets with in the temple. The sketches show the conclusion of a series of rough sketches done during this period.

This is the final of many quick sketches, aimed at establishing a layout for the temple and its traps.

This is a page from my sketch book showing some of my establishing ideas.
(Im on very rough sketchs atm)

This is an idea for an artifact or even large statue.

Thursday 18 October 2007

Coloured Interior Concept

This is the final coloured version of an interior concept

Concept Line Drawing

This is the line drawing of an interior concept

Supporting Sketches

These are some drawings to support a final draft of a concept
piece for an interior shot of the temple.

Friday 12 October 2007

Week One (Ending 14th October 2007)

This week has been a little hectic as we've all being trying to find our feet as a group. It didn't take us long to settle however and i feel positive that we're going to work effectively and efficiently together. the organization hasn't been there right from the start, however, at the end of the week we've finally laid down some milestones for the term.
We have managed to pin down a plausible ending to the narrative with only the dialogue to establish, and some convincing character profiles. Happy with this, I feel I'll be able to sleep knowing that next week we can hit the ground running on the concept and dialogue front.